Welcome to our website,

Blackburn Gould & Associates

Facility management strategy designed to help you create significant improvements in operational performance.

Facilities Management strategists with experience of estates of varying sizes within the education and public sectors.

We drive results through positive ways of challenging set delivery culture by introducing validated ways of evaluating existing performance within organisations against relevant best practices in the Facilities Management sector.


Consultancy Services

“We help small, medium and educational institutions plan for development projects and implementing change.”

We are experienced in negotiating, supporting and managing effective contracts. The professional team support clients, providing impartial professional advisory services that improve contract performance. We support clients in the contract management of supply-partners associated with daily facilities operations and estate maintenance.

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Training & Development

“We equip your frontline staff to access and implement new and existing operational procedures.”

We believe in you and the people you have working with you. Helping them identify and develop the skills they have which are relevant to your organisational strategy is important as it enables the positively engage with organisational change.

It also enables your team to best position themselves in a constantly evolving industry.

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Community Engagement

“Working with communities, improving lives.”

Blackburn, Gould and Associates believes it has a duty to support community integration and cohesiveness. We take this responsibility seriously and support various ethnic minorities and religions with the aim of encouraging all people to have access to the relevant training necessary for the development of their career.

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Who We Are ?

We are a specialist team focused on supporting clients with strategic business planning, leadership and operational delivery of Facilities Management with experience of estates of varying sizes within the education and public sectors.

How We Work ?

We focus on identifying ways of developing the relevant skill set existing within an organisation’s facilities management team and aligning it to the organisations’ strategy resulting in significantly improved efficiencies whilst reducing delivery costs through improved ways of working and the introduction of modern technology with clear spend to save objectives.

Visit Us

Trafalgar House, 712 London Rd,
RM20 3JT, Grays, Essex

Contact Details
Email: info@blackburngould.com
Telephone: +44 01375 886 355


Please make an appointment using the following form.